Monday 29 September 2014

yr11 3D Tate homework

Homework due Monday 6 October!!!!!
1.    Tate Page:
*Title Tate Modern/ Tate Britain, June 2014
*Include at least 3 images of art work from the Tate and relevant writing about the work/ your opinion etc (see my writing guide to help you).
*Make the page visually exciting e.g. background/ interesting and relevant title/ your own drawing of the art work.

2.    Main artist page (doesn't have to be a Tate artist):
*Include images of the artists’ work and relevant writing about the work/ your opinion etc (see my writing guide to help you).
*Make the page visually exciting e.g. background/ interesting and relevant title/ your own drawing of the art work.
3.    Design ideas inspired by your main artist:
*At least 3 designs inspired by your artist.  It doesn't have to be an exact copy of their work, your might focus on the colours or patterns used, the mood created etc.
Considered the skills you have learnt- clay, wire, mosaics, book art, nail and string art, mod rock, moulds etc.  You won’t necessarily create all of your designs but you get marks to show that you can come up with relevant ideas. You might need to label your design to make it really clear how your artist has inspired you.

This is part of your coursework.  Your coursework is 60% of your GCSE, you can’t afford to create work that is anything less than your best!